ISEDEG 2019 Conference

Sustainable Development In Islamic Banking: Based On The Perspective Of Social, Economics And Environmental
Lina Nugraha Rani a*) and Fatin Fadhilah Hasib b)

a*) Department of Economics Sharia Faculty of Economics and Business Airlangga University,

b) Department of Economics Sharia Faculty of Economics and Business Airlangga University,


The development program is still associated with a conflict of interest in order to achieve economic prosperity so that environmental sustainability must sacrifice, both natural and social environment of the community. Munasinghe (2009) a staple element of elaborate on the three pillars of sustainable development, namely economic pillar, pillars of the social and environmental pillars. The application of sustainability development taking into account the economic pillar, pillars of environment, and the social pillars apply through a system i.e. Greening Business Management. Based on the research of Jan (2019) sustainability measurement framework proposed for the Islamic banks measured by several indicators, namely an integrated sustainability Strategy i.e. strategy and analysis, organization profile, material aspects, Regent interests, reporting systems, and a governance structure. In addition to the existing sustainability strategy framework of Sharia banking industry sustained also in the measure of Economic Sustainability Indicators, social sustainability indicators and Environmental Sustainability indicators. Based on the theory of Maqasid Al-Shariah, research conducted by Jan (2019) chose to propose a framework for the measurement of sustainable development in the context of Islam by changing the GRI framework. On Islamic banking references used for the measurement of each Indicator of sustainability chosen from different measurement techniques are available within the framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, 2016).

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Islamic Banking, Economy, Environment, Social

Topic: Environmental Integrated Management and Policy Making


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