ICMScE 2019 Conference

The development of science learning materials use an inductive-based 7E learning cycle in Elementary School
Risda Amini and Usmeldi

Universitas Negeri Padang


Learning materials in Elementary Schools not able to help the students understand the subject matter. Students cannot carry out activities that are on the student worksheet. Students cannot answer the factual questions given by the teacher to motivate students initial knowledge. The research aims to develop learning materials consisting of syllabus, lesson plan, module, student worksheet, and assessment using inductive-based 7E learning cycle. Research and development use the IDI model which consists of three stages, namely define, develop, and evaluate. At the define stage, material analysis and analysis of students were carried out. At the develop stage, a prototype syllabus, lesson plan, module, worksheet, and assessment using Inductive 7E learning cycle is designed. The subjects of the learning materials trial were fourth grade students in Elementary School. The research instruments were observation sheet, questionnaire, and learning outcomes test. The results showed that the validity of science learning materials using inductive-based 7E learning cycle was categorized as valid. The practicality of learning materials included very practical categories, based on teacher and student responses. Learning materials include effective categories based on student activities and learning outcomes. Student activities in learning include very high categories. Learning outcomes most students achieve minimum completeness criteria.

Keywords: Science learning material, inductive, 7E learning cycle.

Topic: Science Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/nythEzN39FTu

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