BIS 2019 Conference

The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
Purwanto (a), Yeny Fitriyani (b), Titis Rosowulan (c), Saebani (d), M. Pudail (f) Milna Wafirah (e),

a) Sharia Economic Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia
b) Sharia Economic Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia
c) Quran and exegesis Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia
d) Saebani
Islamic Education Management Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia
e) Islamic Education Management Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia
f) Sharia Economic Studies, Al Husain Islamic College
Jl. Magelang-Purworejo KM 11, Magelang, Indonesia


Sharia banks in Indonesia had experienced significant developments in recent years both in terms of quantity and assets. One of the ways undertaken by the Indonesian government in improving the development of Sharia Banks was by converting conventional banks into Sharia Commercial Banks. It has done by the government of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). This conversion is expected to foster public interest in using Sharia Bank products. The intention to use sharia products from several studies is affected by religiosity and social influence (social support). Therefore, this research is important in order to determine the extent of the effect of religiosity and social influence on peoples intentions to use sharia bank products. The method is quantitative research. The number of samples was 100 samples taken randomly in Aceh Singkil District. Data was collected by conducting surveys online and manually. The data analysis is SEM-PLS. The results studies show that religiosity and social influence have a significant effect on the intention to use Sharia banks. In addition, religiosity and social influence has 30.3 percent predictive value (Q2).

Keywords: Sharia banks; Intention; Religiosity and Social Influence

Topic: Economics


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