FMI 2019 Conference

What Makes A Sharia-Driven for Car Rental Business Model? Case Study of TRAC Syariah
Fajar Surya Ari Anggara, Wisnu Wijaya

University of Darussalam Gontor


Serasi Autoraya (SERA) through the TRAC Syariah service is a company engaged in the car rental industry on Indonesia. TRAC Syariah as one of car rental business have the advantage that apply Sharia Values concept in its business. The purpose of this research is to know islamic values as sharia driven on TRAC Syariah business model. This study aims to: 1) identify the TRAC Syariah car rental business model using the canvas business model approach; 2) analyze each of sharia value driven on the TRAC Syariah car rental business model. The method used in this study uses the canvas business model and qualitative data analysis. Respondents of this study are manager and supervisor on TRAC Syariah as many as 6 employees. The main finding that the framework Islamic values such as ijarah (rental activities based on sharia), halal quality, mudharabah, and sharia insurance.

Keywords: Key Words: Sharia Driven, Car Rental Services, Business Model

Topic: Kewirausahaan Dan Inovasi Bisnis


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