AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Difficulty Analysis in Learning Physical Education in Children with Mild Impairment in Binjai City SLB
Anggun Lestari Tanjung, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang

Postgraduate Program, Medan State University


The approach of this research is carried out qualitatively, meaning the research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words from people or observed behavior. The research subjects were physical education teachers in the Binjai City SLB and a number of mentally disabled students. This is because penjas teachers and students are people who have enough information as the main informant. The main informant was the subject who experienced and supported the implementation of the physical education learning process at the SLB in Binjai City. Then supported by the subject of the principal and parents. So the number of research subjects is 8 people. The object of research in this paper covers the study of difficulties in physical education learning in mentally disabled children. The study was conducted at the location in Binjai SLB and SDLBN 027701 Binjai so that the speakers were easier to conduct interviews and observations. The focus of the problem in this study is on the difficulties that occur in physical education learning in mild mentally retarded children in Binjai City SLB. This study aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of the process of implementing physical education in mild mentally retarded children in Binjai City such as: 1) To describe the analysis of the implementation of physical education in mild mentally retarded children in Binjai City. 2) To describe the difficulties in implementing physical education can occur in mildly retarded children in Binjai City. Keywords: mental retardation, physical education, adaptive physical education.

Keywords: mental retardation, physical education, adaptive physical education

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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