AASEC 2019 Conference

Development of E book on Momentum and Impulse Material Based on Discovery Learning to Improve Student Science Literacy
Novi Anggreani (a*), Vina serevina (b), Bambang Heru Iswanto (b)

(a) Program of Pascasarjana Physic, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of Physic, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
(*) novianggreani120[at]yahoo.com


The standard teaching process in the context of education is not only about how the learning process take place. But it also relates to appropriate and adequate learning resources. The appropriate and adequate learning resources are important factors in the learning process in order to create a productive learning environment. This productive learning environment is the process of creating a learning climate based on environmental regulation, the provision of tools and learning resources that contain learning objectives, materials, methodologies and assessment of learning that enable students to feel comfortable and enjoy learning effectively and optimally according to their needs and technological developments, then adjusted to their interests and potential. This study aims to design and implement an educational process with the help of appropriate learning resources. Thus it will creating a meaningful educational process by discovering for the knowledge of mastery of physical concepts that can support life in understanding daily phenomena with scientific knowledge and science in momentum material and impulses using the development research of borg gall. Thus students can grow and improve scientific literacy.

Keywords: e book development, Momentum and Impulse, Student Science Literacy

Topic: Physics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/q2aZKRL9BNVE

Web Format | Corresponding Author (Novi Anggreani)