CoMDITE 2019 Conference

Indicators for Measuring Green Energy: A Bandung Perspective
Indrawati1a, Charysa Januarizka1b, Saravanan Muthaiyah2c, Dodie Tricahyono1d

1Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
2 Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
aIndrawati[at], bcharysa[at],
c saravanan.muthaiyah[at], ddodie.tricahyono[at]


Energy has a very important role in peoples lives because it is an important parameter for development and economic growth. In cities of Indonesia, the energy issue is becoming a very important issue, given the high levels of energy consumption and use of fossil fuels, also impact of using fossil fuel based energy on the environment, such as pollution. The concept of green energy is expected to be a solution to the problems also the creation of green environment, and sustainability in energy use. Green energy concept is considered able to handle issues around energy and the environment faced by the cities. Until now, there is still no standard variables and indicators that can be used to measure green energy, especially in urban areas. This research aims to identify variables and indicators for measuring green energy in a city, especially in the context of Bandung. This research uses an exploratory qualitative method. The steps taken to answer the research objectives are, first, by conducting literature studies, then interviewing 16 resource people with quadruple helix concepts from various backgrounds such as business people, government, experts / researchers and civil society. Based on literature studies, this research found 6 variables and 19 indicators to measure green energy. From the results of interviews and analytical sentiments there were 2 indicators that had average value of less than 60%, hence these indicators were not used in this research. This research also found 3 new indicators with an average value of more than 60%, thus, this research proposes a model for measuring green energy with 6 variables and 20 indicators. This research proposed a model containing green energy variables and indicators as part of the green city for the context of Bandung. However, this research has not tested the model and used it to measure green energy index. Further research is recommended to test and measure the green energy index using the model founded in this research. The variables and indicators can also be used as a reference to measure green energy in other cities in Indonesia.

Keywords: City Sustainability, Renewable Energy, Green City, Green Energy, Environmental Issues

Topic: Smart City


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