INCITEST 2019 Conference

Effectiveness of Online Media as a Wedding Organizer Promotion Tool
Bobi Kurniawan (a), A D Novia (b*)

a) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, indonesia.

b)Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia,indonesia.


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which online media is very influential as a promotional tool used by Wedding Organizer. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study are how much social media influence to promote Wedding Organizer in the millennial community to help facilitate those who are facing happy days. Promotion of goods or services through online media is considered to be easier and more efficient in various aspects, which in turn can increase the production of goods or services at a very low cost and this applies to all businesses ranging from macro to micro. Thus it can be concluded that doing business using online media as a tool to promote goods or services can be more effective for the smooth running of the business itself.

Keywords: Online Media, Promotion, Cheap, Wedding Orginaizer.

Topic: Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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