ICAS 2019 Conference

DEFENSE FACTORS OF ISLAMIC POLITICAL PARTIES IN ELECTION (Comparative Study of Malaysian Islamic Parties (PAS) in Malaysia 2013 and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) di Indonesia 2014)
Reztya Ridwan, Dr. Kamarudin, M.Si

Universitas Indonesia


The phenomenon of the failure of Islamic political parties in Muslim predominant Coutries is an interesting problem to be examined, because the domination of Muslims in a country does not guarantee that they can also dominate in the aspect of political power. It shows the low political participation of Muslims, or maybe it shows that secularism has become increasingly strong in the political arena. This problem is interesting to elaborate about any factors that influence the low political votes of Muslims in a Muslim predominant coutries. PAS and PKS has grown in a large Islamic community base in Malaysia and Indonesia, but this does not guarantee that these two Islamic political parties can succeed and win the elections. In Fact PAS and PKS has lost their votes in almost every elections. The phenomenon of the failure of Islamic political parties cannot separated from the factors that influence their failures. These factors include internal and external factors from both parties. On the other hands, the different systems of government and elections in Malaysia and Indonesia have no impact on the failure of PAS and PKS. Because until the 2013 elections in Malaysia and 2014 in Indonesia, the existence of Islamic parties in Malaysia and Indonesia remained under nationalist parties such as UMNO in Malaysia and PDI in Indonesia. This study will examine in a comparative study. Tthe factors of Islamic political parties failure with a few analysis units including ideological factors, political party financial factors, ethnicity factors and political flow, and also analyze based on internal conflict and factionalisation factors in PAS and PKS before the election 2013 in Malaysia and 2014 in Indonesia. This research uses Alan Wares political party theory as the main theory. In comparing the factors of failures, this study will specifically use ideological theory of political parties, political party financial theory, faction theory, and conflict theory.

Keywords: Islamic Party, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polical Flow

Topic: Political Dynamics

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/quCPcFY6rnzN

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