ICMScE 2019 Conference

Intuition characteristics of junior high school students with rational personality types in solving HOTS math problems.
B E Nugroho1, B Usodo2, and S Subanti2

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Mathematics has an important role in development in all aspects of life. Through mathematical modeling, students can be trained to think critically and creatively in solving problems related to everyday life. The habit of critical thinking using intuition can help determine the initial steps and bring up creative ideas in solving the problems they face. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the intuitive reasoning model of students of rational personality types in solving HOTS problems in mathematics. The subjects in this study were grade VIII students of DAHA 1 PAWYATAN SMP Kediri who had been selected based on rational personality types through Kierseys personality test. The intuition data used by the subjects in this study were collected using task-based interviews. The results of this study are that the subjects did not rewrite the important things in the question when answering, such as what is known and what was asked by arguing that this is usually true. In general the subjects in this study used an implicit intuitive reasoning model and diagrammatic model to solve the HOTS problem given.

Keywords: intuition characteristic; hots; rational personality type

Topic: Mathematics Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/r7cbDveaXyPG

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