BCM 2019 Conference

Drawing Mama, a Practical Drawing Tutorial Book for Parents
Yanuar Rahman (a*), Devi Arifiani Azhar (b)

a) Visual Communication Design Program, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Familia Kreativa Community, Bandung, Indonesia


Parents need to be closer to their children, especially when they are in early years. The process of the approach can be done in some creative way, one example is drawing together with children. But apparently many parents claim that they cannot draw. Indeed, parents do not need to be able to draw perfectly, but it will be more valuable if parents can draw properly, because it can make the interaction process between parents and children become more meaningful and memo-rable for both. For this reason, efforts have been made to provide basic insights and practical drawing techniques for par-ents. Actually, there are already many materials how to draw for children and adolescents, therefore this practical drawing techniques are packaged in the form of a book are intended specifically for parents, especially in Indonesia. The drawing method used in this book is observation and imitation of images. The results of this study are three books learning practi-cal drawing for parents that can be used to support interaction with children at home.

Keywords: Drawing technique; Book; Parenting

Topic: Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/r826BHpbNvae

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