CoMDITE 2019 Conference

Interpersonal skill in project management
Ahmad Said, Harjanto Prabowo, Mohammad Hamsal, Boto Simatupang

Bina Nusantara University


Expeditious change is an accelerating problem for projects in most industries. There are phenomena for project leader is the key person to project success. The aim of this paper is to explore how the interpersonal skill of the project manager influences the project performance. This quantitative study was conducted to test the relationship between communications of and project performance. This paper also tested the leadership transformation to project performance. This article presented three different characterizations of project success (time, budget and customer satisfaction). An online questionnaire was used as a survey tool to obtain data from Project Managers/PMO/PD and Team Leaders projects in Indonesia. The dataset was then addressed using statistical analysis with SPSS software and continued by PLS-SEM. The results of our study indicate that interpersonal skill has an effect to project performance. The study outcome that interpersonal skill is an important thing to support project success because a project manages is ultimate responsibility to integration of some area to project closing.

Keywords: Project Management; Interpersonal skill; Project Communication; Leadership Transformation

Topic: Strategic Management & Ecosystem Business


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