MSCEIS 2019 Conference

Didactical Design to Overcome Learning Obstacles about Relationship between Central Angle, Length of Arc, and Area of Segment of the Circle
Mimi Nur Hajizah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


This research aims to develop a didactical design of learning about circle at junior high school, especially the relationship between central angle, length of arc, and area of segment of the circle. Developed didactical design consists of three activities obtained from three formal stages during the research process. The first stage is the analysis of the didactical situation before learning to obtain a hypothetical didactical design. Preparation of hypothetical didactical design is preceded by a preliminary study which includes the identification of obstacles student learning as well as the theoretical analysis and repersonalisasi. Identification of learning obstacle is conducted at a junior high school in South Jakarta involving 34 students of class IX by analyzing the results of the students answers on the questions provided, analyzing the results of interviews of teachers and students, as well as analyzing the textbooks used at the schools. The second stage is the analysis metapedadidaktic which is reflected in the design implementation. Design implementation is conducted at junior high school where a preliminary study done involving 36 students of class VIII. The third stage is the stage of reflection by conducting a retrospective analysis. This is done in order to obtain information for a revised design to produce empirical didactical design. The developed empirical didactical design allows for further development through the three stages of the same formal.

Keywords: Didactical Design , Learning Obstacles , Circle, Central Angle, Length of Arc, and Area of Segment

Topic: Mathematics Education


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