BICHS 2019 Conference

The Effect of Psichoeducation toward Family Behavior about Empowerment of Person with Mental Ilness
Ni Nyoman Pebrina Anderyani, I Gusti Ayu Rai Rahayuni, Gusti Ayu Dwina Mastryagung

Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Jalan Tukad Balian 180, Renon 80226, Denpasar, Bali


Family who have member with mental illness in Pedungan Village, South Denpasar have not understood yet how to handle People with Mental Illness, so giving information through psychoeducation is really needed to increase family behavior in empowering people with mental illness. The objective of the reseacrh was to identify the effect of psichoeducation toward family behavior about empowerment of people with mental illness at Rumah Singgah Rai-Manggis. This research employed pre-experimental with one group pre-test post test. Psychoeducational intervention was conducted in 5 sessions with 120 minutes to 20 families of People with Mental Ilness. The samples were taken by using total sampling technique. Data were collected by using behavior questioner and analyzed by using paired t-test. The finding showed that p-value was 0,001 < 0,05 which means psychoeducation significantly affect family behavior about empowerment of People with Mental Illness at Rumah singgah Rai-Manggis.The conclusion of reseacrh was psychoeducation can change family behavior in order to support rehabilitation at Rumah Singgah or empowering center, psychoeducation can be used as a good alternative intervention for the family in empowering People with Mental Illness in society.

Keywords: Family Behavior, Psychoeducation, People with Mental Illness, Empowerment.

Topic: Education and Learning


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