INCITEST 2019 Conference

Quality Analysis of Mobile Web Server
Eko Budi Setiawan, Angga Setiyadi

Universitas Komputer Indonesia


The page displayed in a website on the internet is the output of the results of processing carried out by the web server. Initially, the web browser requests web pages for the web server, then the web server serves by providing web pages to display in the web browser. If there is no web server, the website cannot be displayed. Many web servers can be used on a server. But of course, we have to choose which web server to use. Web servers are generally run on a server computer so that they can serve many requests. However, there is also a web server that can be implemented on Android-based smartphone devices, with quality that is certainly different from that implemented on computer devices. This research aims to analyze the quality of several mobile web servers so that it can be known which mobile web server is recommended for use. This research uses several application tools to measure the quality value of several web servers. The results of the quality comparison assessment of each mobile web server will depend on the smartphone used in the implementation so that the quality value will be different if implemented on a different smartphone.

Keywords: Mobile, Web Server, Quality, Analysis

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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