ICIEVE 2019 Conference

Energy efficient management application in university buildings : Case of Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA)
A. Harits Numan Djaohari, Firman Shakti Firdaus, Yanti Sri Rejeki

Universitas Islam Bandung


Energy efficiency had become a major issue concerned by a lot of companies involves both public and private sector. The building sector is one of the biggest energy users. University buildings are high consumers of energy in the category of commercial buildings due to its activities and population. Therefore, it is very important for every university to take this problem seriously and practice good energy management. This study aims to analyze the main element contribute toward the increasing pattern of energy consumption in UNISBA. Mixed-method approach will be employed in this study to get both quantitative and qualitative data to meet the specified objectives. Hopefully, this study will help to implement of new strategies in energy efficiency management for university and create the new standard in reducing energy consumption in university building.

Keywords: Energy efficiency, energy management.

Topic: Industrial Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/rV7RdfbQkpBe

Web Format | Corresponding Author (A. Harits Numan Djaohari)