SI BAPAK ON Innovation to Increase Local Tax Revenue in Surakarta
Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki and Yuyu Yuningsih
Center of Training and Development and Competency Mapping for Government Apparatus
National Institute of Public Administration
Local tax as one of the Own-Source Revenue (PAD) is an indicator that shows the fiscal potencial. However, not all regions have it sufficiently. In order to increase local tax revenues, the city of Surakarta created the Online Taxpay Information System (Si Bapak On). This paper aims to discover the implementation of Si Bapak On, the innovation supporting factors and also the obstacles. The research methode is qualitative descriptive. The data collected by interviewing functionaries of Surakarta Agency for Management of Regional Revenue, Finance and Assets (BPPKAD). The result shows that it could runs well due to the support from the Major of Surakarta, collaboration between related stakeholders, massive socialization of the innovation, as well as the active participation from the society. The obstacles are the application is not yet integrated with the Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) which developed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Surakarta. Beside that, there are taxpayers who do not understand the use of this application, but there were also taxpayers who used technology to manipulate tax assessment data. To solve the problems, the Local Government of Surakarta can collaborate with BPKP; optimize mobile safari; and maximize the ability of BPKAD IT staff.
Keywords: Local Tax, Innovation, Information System
Topic: Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)