SoRes 2019 Conference

Pelatihan Peliputan Investigatif Korupsi di Daerah Bagi Wartawan Radar Se-Priangan Timur
Dr. Septiawan Santana, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H, Dr. Zulfebriges, M.Si., Doddy Iskandar, S.Sos., M.Ikom

Universitas Islam Bandung


This PKM aims to provide a concrete picture of the importance of media relations with anti-corruption education. The purpose of this PKM is to: 1. To provide a concrete picture of the importance of reducing the issue of corruption for readers anti-corruption education. 2. Practicing the skills of journalists from Radar Se-Priangan Timur in carrying out investigative reporting on corruption and being able to express it in a variety of appropriate reporting angles. 3. Build readers literacy in the regions, especially Priangan Timur on corruption issues which of course the presence of this activity can enhance the cognitive elements of participants regarding the dimensions of reporting the issue of corruption. The method of this activity is carried out with a mixture of training and counseling accompanied by interactive dialogue and sharing that encourages participants to be creative, innovative, participatory, and build a compact partnership. The tools used are laptops, LCDs, visual aids, pretest, and posttest. Participants are introduced to the process of designing investigative reporting on corruption and filling in the material / media content in accordance with the issue of corruption, especially in their regions. The results of this activity showed a change in the participants, especially an increase in knowledge and ability to carry out coverage of reporting corruption issues in terms of: Theme (type of corruption), Topic (corruption material), Research (magnitude of corruption events), Resource persons, Documents / Data, and Techniques coverage (data search, incognito).

Keywords: corruption, investigative reporting on corruption.

Topic: Other Related Topics


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Septiawan Santana M.Si)