GCBME 2019 Conference

elva herlianti , nugraha , ikin solikin

universitas pendidikan indonesia
Jl setiabudi no 229 bandung 40154 indonesia


ABSTRAK Menyikapi realisasi era digital saat ini, kualitas layanan enterprenuer di Indonesia diharapkan semakin meningkat secara signifikan, agar mampu menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat, khususnya bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah 3T (Terdepan, Terluar, dan Terpencil). Namun, pada kenyataannya kualitas layanan enterpreneur di Indonesia saat ini masih minim dalam mengakses masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah 3T tersebut. Mencermati berbagai realita yang telah diuraikan di atas, maka melalui analisis implementasi kebijakan teknologi finansial ini, diharapkan kualitas layanan enterprenuer semakin dapat ditingkatkan dan dirasakan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia secara riil dan para pelaku bisnis dapat memahami pengelolaan fungsi manajemen dengan tepat didasarkan pada sikap takut akan Tuhan dan menghargai sesama, dalam konteks pengelolaan aset internal maupun eksternal yang mencakup aktivitas bisn secara holistik. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara lebih mendalam mengenai kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman implementasi teknologi finansial terhadap kualitas layanan enterpreur Indonesia di era digital melalui studi literatur fintech. Kata Kunci: teknologi finansial, layanan fintach, kualitas enterpreur ABSTRACT Responding to the realization of the current digital era, the quality of service providers in Indonesia is expected to increase significantly, in order to be able to reach all levels of society, especially for people who live in area 3T (Frontier, Outermost, and Remote). However, in reality the quality of service for entrepreneurs in Indonesia is currently still minimal in accessing people living in the 3T area. Looking at the various realities outlined above, then through an analysis of the implementation of this financial technology policy, it is expected that the quality of entrepreneurial services can be increased and felt by all layers of Indonesian society in real terms and business people can understand the management of management functions appropriately based on fear of God and respect for others, in the context of managing internal and external assets that include business activities holistically. Thus, this paper aims to analyze more deeply the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the implementation of financial technology towards the quality of Indonesian entrepreneurial services in the digital era through the study of fintech literature. Keywords: financial technology, fintach service, enterpreur quality

Keywords: teknologi finansial, layanan fintach, kualitas enterpreur

Topic: Financial Management and Accounting

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/rz8wMPZfhFJV

Web Format | Corresponding Author (elva herlianti herlianti)