BCM 2019 Conference

Boseh Mobile Registration Workspace Design: Based on Time And Motion Study
Fajar Yunizar Baihaqi (a), Yanuar Herlambang (b), Terbit Setya Pambudi (c)

Industrial Product Design Study Program, Creative Industry Faculty, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia


BOSEH is a bicycle rental system in public areas/bike-sharing in the city of Bandung which was established since July 2017. BOSEH is an acronym of the Bike On the Street Everybody Happy, literally meaning Word activities pedaling bikes (pedal). However, in its application, several problems occurred, such placement place semi-permanent registration in a sidewalk only provides 3 places of registration, placement of shelters did not fit with the design of the Master Plan, and system BOSEH that less than optimal socialization. The purpose of this design is to design the workspace means the registration BOSEH that can facilitate the communities to register. The method used in this design is a flow activity approach. Data is collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and analysis techniques using time and motion study. This technique focuses on the time and movement of the operator is doing a job. From the research, a draft registration BOSEH workspace had to be created can move from one place to another. The conclusions obtained from this research are designing a registration BOSEH workspace with efficiency and according to the ergonomics and Anthropometry of the human body.

Keywords: Transportation, Bandung, Bike-sharing

Topic: Design

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/t42CEQ37TmnP

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