ICMScE 2019 Conference

Development of Teaching Materials for Science, Environment, Technology and Society Oriented Chemistry Teacher Candidates with 4S TMD Method
O. Sumarna, S. Anwar dan Y. Sonjaya

Departement of Chemistry Education FPMIPA UPI Bandung


This study aims to improve the quality of learning through the development of teaching materials for SETS-oriented chemistry teacher candidates (Science, Environment, Technology, Society) with the 4S TMD method (Four Steps Teaching Material Development). The developed SETS includes the presentation of material related to environmental, technological and social aspects. The material for teaching material chosen is redox. The 4S TMD method consists of four stages, namely the selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction stages. The selection stage obtained the basic competencies developed in teaching materials. The structuring stage generates a concept map, macro structure, and multiple representations of redox and electrochemical reactions which will be compiled into the first teaching material draft. From the characterization through testing in class X high school students will acquire difficult and easy text categories. The difficult texts will be reduced to didactic. The design stages are analyzing and planning the types of teaching materials developed, the development stage, namely the stage of developing SETS-oriented redox reaction teaching materials with the 4S TMD method, and the evaluation stage, namely the testing phase of the feasibility and understanding of teaching materials.

Keywords: Redox, Electrochemistry, SETS, 4STMD

Topic: Chemistry Education

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/t6yVGxCDWHwq

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