ICEBEES 2019 Conference

Destination Branding as an Effort for Promoting Banyumas Tourism
Sri Hermawati(a*), Yusye Milawaty (a*)Missa Lamsani (b)

Facuty of Economics Gunadarma University Gunadarma University
Computer Science Fculty, Gunadarma University
Jln. Margonda Raya 100 Pondok Cina , Dep


In Launcing Visit of Central Java in 2013 Banyumas area did not include as a tourist destination . Its rises a question because according BPS data up to the year 2017 the Hotel-s occupancy in Banyumas was third ranked after Semarang and Solo city . The occupancy rate of the hotel shows the development of the tourism sector in addition to the number of tourists and tourist spending ( Tse , 2001) . This study aims to find proposals for efforts to promote tourism in Banyumas. Promoting tourism can be done by establishing a brand. There is two kinds of places branding, such as , city branding and destination branding . Banyumas tourism which are still based on natural attractions of Baturaden area. Baturaden has several types and attaractive places to make a tour. Banyumas brand destination can be build by marketing communication. Destination brand based on uniqueness attribute of tourism or local arts . It can be performed as logo, grafis or slogan.

Keywords: place branding, destination branding, natural attractions, tourism

Topic: Others


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