INCITEST 2019 Conference

Selecting the best employee using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Anna Dara Andriana (a*), Rani Susanto (b)

jalan Dipatiukur , BAndung 40132, Indonesia
* anna.dara.andriana[at]


The purpose this research is to choose the best employees who are entitled to a reward using Analytic hierarchy process method. Analytical hierarchy process method useful for choosing the best employee by giving subjective relative values about the importance of each variable, includes key Performance Indicator (KPI), attendance, and competence. With rating scale we can do the assessment to the all employee and get the value. The results show that the analytic hierarchy process method and rating scale will produce employees with the highest scores. This research help company to determine the best employee who get highest score from analytical hierarchy process technique

Keywords: Analitycal Hierarcy Process

Topic: Informatic and Information System


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