ICPS 2019 Conference

Social Interacton In Novel “Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas” By J.S Khairen Based On George Caspar Homan-s Perspective
(a) Ruhamaul Waro, (b) Muhammad Hasyim

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Jalan Gajayana No 50 Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia


Social interaction is a relationship between individuals, and individuals with groups. A form of interaction can be described through prepositions, including successful prepositions, stimulus prepositions, value prepositions, and prepositions for the blessing of aggression. Every preposition in social interaction can-t be separated from reward, both realistic and non-realistic. This study aims to analyze social interaction propositions and forms of rewards that influence social interaction in the Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas novel by J.S. Khairen based on George Caspar Homans- perspective. The type of research used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques used are reading and taking notes. The data validation techniques are an extension of time, increasing perseverance, triangulation, and peer discussions. The technique of data analysis in this study is Miles and Huberman-s analysis models that consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are successful preposition that formed in establishment of a friendship caused by a reward in solidarity and caring between individuals and occurrence of a services transaction in the form of money for services rendered, stimulus preposition that formed in the introvert attitude caused by rewards in the form of insults and invective in the past, and prepositions for the blessing of aggression that formed in rebellion caused by over-protective and seemingly restraining attitudes and an absence caused by boring.

Keywords: novel, proposition, reward, social interaction

Topic: Human Mobility and Culture Diversity

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/tf3JLawZhKq7

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