ISEDEG 2019 Conference

Implementation of Sorting The Waste of Gold Saving in Pawnshop Based on Islamic Economic Prespective
Sri Herianingrum , Arlinda Nidia Corinna

Department of Islamic Economics ,Faculty of Economic and Business
Universitas Airlangga


. Pawnshop is one type of financial institution that has a gold savings product. Gold is known as a form of investment with high liquidity. In connection with the existence of uncontrolled garbage in Indonesia, Pawnshop made the program Sort Out Waste to Save Gold. By using qualitative field research with a descriptive approach. The purpose of this research is to realize the Indonesian people who are more concerned with the environment and the importance of saving gold by analyzing how this program is carried out and a review of the Islamic economy. The method used is observation of data and interviews then continued with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. With the result that a program to sort out gold-saving waste can increase public awareness about the importance of gold investment and maintaining environmental sustainabilityThe first section in your paper.

Keywords: pawnshop . gold investment , sorting the waste

Topic: Environmental Economics


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