ISAMME 2019 Conference

Developing Student Self-Regulated Learning Through Minitab Software-Based Statistical Introductional Teaching
Frena Fardillah12, Agus Ruhimat2, Nanang Priatna1, Riva Lesta Ariany1, Afifah Latip Rasyid Jauhari1

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang


This study aims to develop self-regulated learning of Industrial Engineering students through Minitab software-based teaching materials. This is done because there is no Minitab software-based instructional material to develop student self-regulated learning. The importance of self-regulated learning in students has developed instructional materials for instructional materials that are able to develop student self-regulated learning. The products of this study produce instructional materials in the form of student worksheets. The research method uses 4D development, namely: 1) Define, develop problem analysis and potential, 2) Design, make the initial product (prototype) product design tailored to existing needs and potential, 3) Development, in two stages: expert appraisal and developmental testing, 4) Disseminate, do validation testing. After expert trials, instructional materials were in the decent category (80%) and could be used as teaching materials for supporting lectures.

Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning, Instructional Materials, Statistics, Minitab Software

Topic: Mathematics Education


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