ICTBHRsG 2019 Conference

Sri Susyanti Nur

Faculty of Law Hasanuddin University


The Cultural Heritage Area in the Tongkonan Kete Kesu area is an asset of North Toraja tourism which became the most receiving place for cultural tourists in 2017, so it was given the title "Most Popular Indigenous Village" at the 2017 Indonesian Charm Award event. Aluk Todolo culture, and the existence of traditional houses of Tongkonan, granary (alang), stone graves (liang) and graves in buildings (patane) have high cultural values that are still preserved in traditional life in the traditional area of Tongkonan Kete Kesu. This is the basis for the establishment of the Kete Kesu Tongkonan as a Cultural Heritage Area based on the Regulation of the Minister of Culture and Tourism Number: PM.09 / PW.007 / MKP / 2010, also designated as an area for the development of an environmentally friendly cultural and natural tourism industry, namely by developing the application of a variety of local cultural values in peoples lives (Article 6 paragraph (2c) of North Toraja Regency Regulation No. 12 of 2011 concerning Regional Spatial Planning 2011-2031). The stipulation of Tongkonan Kete Kesu Customary Area as a Cultural Heritage Area and as a Tourism Industry Development Zone, in terms of the aspect of Agrarian / Land Law requires Legal Certainty and Legal Protection of Indigenous Peoples and Tongkonan Indigenous Areas that are in the Cultural Heritage Area. This research method is Empirical Law by looking at facts / legal phenomena that occur in practice and actual events in society. This type of descriptive research is based on the aim to describe the Toraja indigenous people, the Tongkonan Indigenous Territory, the value of local wisdom in its preservation as a cultural tourism object that is in the area of cultural heritage. The research location was conducted in the Kete Kesu Cultural Heritage Area, located in Kesu District, North Toraja Regency. Research Results, that: 1) Tongkonan Kete Kesu Traditional Territory as a place for traditional / cultural life is based on the beliefs / cultural heritage of ancestors called aluk todolo or alukta. In the Tongkonan Indigenous area has a special field for the implementation of the Rambu Solo ritual, and there is also the Tongkonan Traditional House, Alang, Liang, Patene which are the wealth of the Indigenous People. 2) Conservation and maintenance of the environment of the Tongkonan Indigenous Area is an obligation for each member of the Indigenous Peoples based on the values of local wisdom and subject to adat sanctions for those who commit violations. 3) Utilization of the area of cultural heritage as a tourist attraction that brings economic value has not been synergized properly between the Provincial Government, Regional Government, related Agencies. Indigenous Peoples and Managers of the Foundation for Cultural Property Owners.

Keywords: Cultural Heritage Area, Protection, Tongkonan

Topic: Democracy, Constitution, and Globalization

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/u2Y3PMv4CnZw

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