APMRC 2019 Conference

Performance Management System Design at Waled District Hospital Period Of 2020 - 2022
Fahmi Muhammad Fauzi, Nur Aini Puspo Rani, Riza Aryanto

Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Human Resources Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia


Introduction & Research Problem Waled Hospital is a government hospital that has implemented performance management in its organization. However, the implementation of performance management that has been carried out is limited to performance appraisal. Methods Based on questionnaire survey data involving 78 hospital employees, the results were 72% of statements said Waled Hospital performance management needed improvement (Fauzi, 2019). In addition, there were four findings based on the document review which were (1) the planning form used is based on government regulations and only measurement of results are carried out during one period, there is no measurement of process carried out during that period; (2) there is no supervision in performance appraisal, (3) Waled Hospital performance appraisal form didn-t include performance appraisal for contract employee; and (4) there is no follow-up instrument after the evaluation form. The gap was found between the practices carried out with the performance management planning that is owned by Waled Hospital. The urgency to make improvements is very important because of the accreditation assessment that will be carried out on Waled Hospital. Results & Findings This research is a continuation of the results of previous practical work (Fauzi, 2019). The follow-up process is to identify the typology used in the hospital. The typology used in this study is the typology of Miles & Snow (1984) by identifying organizational characteristics and characteristics of human resource management. Based on the identification results, Waled District Hospital is an organization with a typology of Defender. The next step is to design a performance management system based on 4 stages namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the evaluation stage and the performance review stage and also use the characteristics of Aguinis (2014). Conclusions, implications and significance The results of typological analysis (Miles & Snow, 1984), the 4 stages of performance management and characterization of Aguinis (2014) are used as the basis for determining the direction and policies used to make of a performance management system. This performance management system is based on 4 stages of performance management that are equipped with a measurement of process, measurement of results and forms at each stage. The results of this study are complemented by the implementation steps of implementing performance management which are explained using two points, namely (1) policy guidelines, and (2) timelines that describe the process and timing of the performance management system that has been created. The design of the performance management system that was made serves as a complement and is run parallel with the performance management system of the Waled Hospital that comes from the government. Reference (Selected) Aguinis, H. (2014). Performance Management. London: Pearson Education Li

Keywords: Performance Management, Performance Appraisal, Hospital, Waled Hospital

Topic: Human Resource or Capital

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/ubzeCx78WkGL

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