AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Collaboration Skills and Communication Skills of Students
Yenni Dwi Aprilita Sagala, Nurdin Bukit, Motlan, Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak

Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to (1) determine an increase in collaboration and communication skills through project based learning, (2) determine the relationship of collaboration skills and communication skills through project based learning. The population of this research are six classes XI MIA and sample of this research are two classes, an experiment class with project based learning and a control class with conventional. The instrument of collaboration and communication skills are observation sheet and questionnaire. Improved collaboration and communication skills were analyzed using normalized gain (N gain). Collaborative relationship with communication using the correlation test. N gain results show that project-based learning can improve students collaboration and communication skills, each in the medium category. The relationship between collaboration and communication skills shows a positive direction, which means that the more the collaboration skills increase, the better the students communication skills.

Keywords: project based learning, collaboration, communication

Topic: Teachers Education Model in Future


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