Detergents Effect on Egg Hatchability, Morphometry and Larval Bone Structure of Indonesian Native Fish Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata, Bleeker, 1854)
Farahsani Umi Abida and Bambang Retnoaji
Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoyakarta, Indonesia
Water pollution by laundry detergents is a big concern, that can cause a variety of water pollution problems. Rasbora lateristriata is one of Indonesian endemic fish, which is very popular among people. Until recently, the reproduction proccesses of the fish occurs ini the rivers. The release of detergent from loundry tot he river is increasing recently. Therefore, this condition is possible leading to disturbtion of fish reproduction. The study was conducted to determine the effect of detergents on eggs hatchability, survival rates, morphometry and bone structure of wader fish. The fish were treated with detergent solution, with concentration of 0, 3, 6, and 9 ppm. Each test consists of 1 aquarium filled with 30 eggs. Eggs were hatched in detergent solution then calculated hatchability and survival rates for 1.5 months. The morphological characters observed were morphometry using ImageJ software. Bone structure preparations were made using specimens fixed with 96% alcohol then stained with the Alizarins Red-Alcian Blue staining method (Inouye, 1976). In each treatment 0, 3, 6, 9 ppm the percentage of egg hatchability was 96.67%; 95.56%; 96.67%; 96.67%. The percentage of survival rates is 90.84%; 88.34%; 83.81%; 87.55%. Morphometry of total body length of 4.45 cm; 4.24 cm; 4.37 cm; 4.33 cm. ANAVA test results on hatchability, survival rates, and morphometry showed no difference in all treatments (P> 0.05). The bone structure of the ray wader vertebrae is 31. The vertebral arch on the treatment is 0, 3, 6 ppm normal, while at 9 ppm there is showing abnormal tendency. It was concluded that ray wader fish can still tolerate detergents up to 9 ppm.
Keywords: Detergent, Hatchability, Morphometry, Bone Structure, R. lateristriata
Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture