ICAMST 2019 Conference

Investigation of Mechanical Properties for Non-Homogeneous Material by Image Tracking Method
Rahmawati Munir, Handika Dany Rahmayanti, Nadya Amalia, Fisca Dian Utami, Sparisoma Viridi and Mikrajuddin Abdullah

Institut Teknologi Bandung


We have investigated new approach to predict mechanical properties for non-homogeneous materials. The investigation use a copy paper 100 gsm as sampling object using image tracking method and based on bending of cantilever slender beam. The copy paper 100 gsm was shaped on non-homogeneous geometris then placing it with curvature angle variations (00, 450 and 900). We snapshot the copy paper sample using digital camera to track bending coordinates at several points after divided the beam image into 16 segments. Futhermore, we calculated Modulus Young using elasticity equation for non-homogeneous beam. The results presented show that it is possible to obtain a good Modulus Young value due to approach Modulus Young value obtained by direct measurement using tensile strenght device. This method is expected to become a reference for developing Modulus Young estimation for non-homogeneous geometri materials without direct contact.

Keywords: modulus elasticity, copy paper 100 gsm, image tracking, cantilever beam

Topic: Synthesis and Characterization Techniques

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/v6eUmyYJKdEH

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