SoRes 2019 Conference

Building Womens Resources in Politics
Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Nova Yuliati, Mochamad Rochim

Faculty of Communication Science
Universitas Islam Bandung


This paper discusses the efforts of the Karawang political womens caucus in building womens resources in politics.Karawang is an industrial area that still leaves poverty, especially in rural areas, due to the absorption of all workers by industry. Of the many problems in rural areas, the problems of women are more numerous. Starting from poverty, economic powerlessness, not getting access to health services, to experiencing domestic violence.The problem of women who is still high has become a driving force for the Karawang Regency Political Womens Caucus to increase womens political awareness in social life. This is intended so that women can obtain their rights as citizens equally to men. This paper was obtained through research using qualitative methods with a case study approach. Data collection techniques carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, and study of literature. Research findings reveal that womens resources in politics are built through increasing womens knowledge, capability, and leadership in politics.

Keywords: case study, human capital, human resources, political women

Topic: Communication


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