BIS 2019 Conference

Ergonomic Evaluation of Low-Cost Prosthetic Products: Comparison between Rigid and Flexible Ankle Design
Khoirul Muslim (a*), Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati (a), Kurnia Sandi Girsang (a), Yassierli (a)

a) Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Disability due to an amputated leg affect people in Indonesia, including those with low to middle income categories. To facilitate them, Yayasan Difabel Mandiri manufactures a low-cost flexible ankle prosthetic to fix the shortcomings of the rigid ankle prosthetics available in the market. This experimental study aimed to evaluate the use of flexible ankle prosthetic for daily activities. Seven disabled people simulated a walking task with or without a backpack loaded with 10% of body mass using two prosthetic types (i.e., flexible and rigid ankle). Measures were obtained to evaluate the performance of the prosthetic including the center of pressure (COP) indicating static and dynamic stability, gait deviation indicating walking efficiencies, and subjective ratings of prosthetic evaluation questionnaire (PEQ). Results showed a significant difference in walking efficiencies and dynamic stability (i.e., COP velocity) between the rigid and flexible ankle prosthetic foot with a better performance indicated by the flexible ankle. No differences were shown for the use of backpack. Flexible ankle further improves the quality of life of disabled people specified by 12.76% higher average rating of PEQ. In conclusion, flexible ankle potentially improves the design of the prosthetic foot to meet the need and comfort of disables.

Keywords: Low-cost, Prosthetic foot, Disabled people, Stability, Walking efficiencies

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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