INCITEST 2019 Conference

Dian Permata Sari 1), Pangaribuan, Imelda 2)

1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Program Studi Pendidikan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi.
Jln. Veteran No 8, Purwakarta.
E-mail : dianpermatasari[at]
2) Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Program Studi Sistem Informasi
Jln. Dipati Ukur No 121, Bandung.
E-Mail : imelda[at]


Online payment website used as media between provider and agent to do business in transportation ticket sales such as airlines, train and bus. The website used to sell pulse and other payment also. Agent act as seller that selling the product to customer. There are many online payment website that already exist, to make the website could compete with other existeing website, need satisfied agent. Satisfaction could be reach with website quality. This research using webqual 4.0 as method to evaluate the online payment website. Sample taken are 30 sample from 147 population. The research result are : calculation t-statistic on usability value is -0,56. The value is smaller then the t-tabel at a significant level of 95%, so it is rejected. And than, variable usability is do not have a significant influence on customer satisfaction online payment website.

Keywords: Agent satisfaction, webqual, online payment.

Topic: Informatic and Information System


Web Format | Corresponding Author (Dian Permata Sari)