ISEDEG 2019 Conference

Interpersonal Relationship Of Salesperson To Customer Trust And Its Consequences On Islamic Insurance In Surabaya (a Study Of Consumer Behaviour To Promote Sustainable Economic Growth)
M Adi Surya Anwar, Denizar Abdurrahman Miraj

Department of Islamic Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga


This study aims to determine the influence of customer orientation, sales orientation, experience, and likeability of salesperson to Customer trust and its consequences on Islamic Insurances in Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach. This study used a sample of 100 respondents. The characteristics of the population in this experiment is the Islamic insurance customers in Surabaya. As for analysis technique used is multiple regression. Results from the study show that customer orientation, sales orientation, experience, and likeability salespeople significant effect on customer trust. Other results showed that customer orientation, experience, and likeability have positively effect to customer trust, whereas sales Orientation have negatively affect to customer trust in Surabaya.

Keywords: Customer orientation, Customer Trust, Experience of salesperson, Islamic insurance, Likeability of salesperson, sales orientation.

Topic: Normative Environmental Economics


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