Homecoming Phenomenon in West Java Society: Socio-Cultural System and Entrepreneurial Motivation
Tetep *, Ade Suherman, Lili Dianah
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
The Homecoming Phenomenon is an annual tradition carried out by Indonesian people, usually preceding Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Christmas and New Year. This phenomenon is an attraction for the development of socio-cultural and economic systems of society from time to time. This study revealed the phenomenon of homecoming to the development of socio-cultural systems, entrepreneurial motivation and the influence of these two variables. The research sample amounted to 55 people who were selected randomly from hawkers found along Eid (Eid al-Fitr) homecoming flow. By using a quantitative approach to test partially and simultaneously between variables, the data were processed using SPSS analysis. The research findings indicated that the Eid al-Fitr homecoming phenomenon was an annual phenomenon which became a tradition of people particularly in West Java. Partially the homecoming phenomenon affected the socio-cultural system in society, especially in strengthening relationships and kinship visitation. Another factor affecting the encouragement and desire for entrepreneurship of the community was such as, the number of hawkers found along the congestion was increasing. Thus, the homecoming phenomenon had significant impact on the development of the socio-cultural system and motivation for community entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Homecoming Phenomenon, Socio-cultural System, Entrepreneurial Motivation.
Topic: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues