AISTEEL 2019 Conference

Effect of eXe Learning Based Problem Based Learning and Scientific Attitudes on Critical Thinking Ability in Chemical Bonding Material
Nuraini (a*), Retno Dwi Suyanti (b), Eddyanto (b)

a) Departement of Chemistry Education on Post Graduate Program, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) Lecturer in Department of Chemistry Education on Post Graduate Program, Stated University of Medan, Indonesia


Abstract: The aim of this research is showing; 1) The differences in critical thinking skills of students taught using Problem based learning with those using conventional eXe-based learning; 2) The differences in the student ability critical thinking of chemistry who have low scientific attitudes and high scientific attitudes; 3) The Interaction between the Learning-Based Learning model and the level of scientific attitudes of students in influencing critical thinking skills of student. This research is done at SMA N 1 Rambah. The sample of research all of student at SMA class X at the first semeste. Intrument for measure the result of study from student critical thinking skills using a multiple choice and for measure of the scientific attitude is using questionnaire sheet. This research was conducted with the experimental methods. The sample was divided into two classes, where the experimental class learned with PBL using exe learning and the exe learning class learned with convetional using exe learning. Data were analyzed descriptively ang inferensial with the help of SPSS version 22 at significance level &

Keywords: PBL; scientific attitudes; critical thinking skills; eXe learning

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development


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