SoRes 2019 Conference

Representation of Tolerance in Mass Media
1. Mulyanti Syas, 2. Mulharnetti Syas

1. Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Faculty of Communication, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia,
2. Faculty of Communication, Jakarta Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Tolerance is a problem that continues to grow and is always discussed by the Indonesian mass media. This is because, Indonesia is a pluralistic country, both in terms of language, ethnicity, customs and religion. Republika as one of the Islamic media must be able to carry out the role of uniting the nation through the discourse of tolerance that it presents to the public. The purpose of this study; first, to find out how Republika as an Islamic media presents values of tolerance. Second, how Republika chooses issues, addresses certain aspects of the issue, so that the audience can understand and be motivated to be more tolerant. The method of this article is the discourse analysis approach. This article argues that Republika has discussed tolerance values based on an Islamic perspective and calls for unity among Indonesian citizens of various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Issues raised and discussed lead the community to understand and appreciate differences. The article then concludes that Republika has presented a discourse on tolerance values that lead to national unity and integrity.

Keywords: Representation, Tolerance, Mass Media, Discourse

Topic: Communication


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