ICPS 2019 Conference

Analisis of blood type assessment by absorption - elution methods on nail sample in the forensic case
Kurniawati, S.Si (1) and Krisnawan Andy Pradana, S.Si (2)

1. Departement of forensic science, postgraduate school, Airlangga university
2. Departement of anatomy and histologi, faculty of medicine, Airlangga university


A nail is a hard-structure-keratin that is specialized to protect the distal dorsal part of the fingers and toes. In most forensic cases, the presence of nails in a crime scene is often used as one of the clues in the initial identification process, which is in serological examination (blood group determination). In fresh blood samples or blood sports, antigens A and B are located on the red blood Cell membrane while in the nail sample both antigens are located at the bottom of the nail plate. The difference in location of the antigen does not affect the determination of the ABO blood group. Following a test conducted by the usage of fingernails as source material, of the 25 respondents who were taken samples of their nails and then carried out absorption-elution examination. It was found that more than 90% of the test results had a matching blood type as the respondents blood type. Thus, it is concluded that nails can be used as an alternative source for determining blood groups in humans other than using blood or hair.

Keywords: Forensic, blood type, nail, absorption-elution

Topic: Law, Police and Forensic

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/wUpKRdEhkqnZ

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