BIS 2019 Conference

Developing Positive Risk Management Culture in Public Sector : Case Study in Banyuwangi Regency Government
Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti Mulyono, Sudarno and Nining Ika Wahyuni

University of Jember


The aim of this study is to develop positive risk culture in a specific Banyuwangi Government. The research results will be used to make recommendations on how to entrench risk culture so that it forms part of the organisation‟s daily activities at all levels of operations. Building Risk Management Culture is important in order Government have Good Governance and Free Coruption. This research used qualitative method with case study approach. Data analysis used by direct interview in Banyuwangi Regency Government. The results of the study explain that building a culture of risk management awareness in a government is part of every decision making process at all levels of the organization that begins with the leaderships commitment to consider risk by making continuous, transparent communication in managing program activities, employee awareness of the importance of risk and integrating risk management in order to give the right decision, one of which is in the form reward and punishment depend high or low risk that arise in each activity program and every work level.

Keywords: Risk Management Culture, Banyuwangi Government, Good Governance, Decision Making

Topic: Government Studies


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