Spatial Patterns of Hotel-s Occupation Rate in Balikpapan City
Achmad Ghozali (a*); Elin Diyah Syafitri (b)
a) Urban and Regional Planning, Intitut Teknologi Kalimantan
Kampus ITK Karang Joang, Balikpapan 76127, Indonesia
b) Urban and Regional Planning, Intitut Teknologi Kalimantan
Kampus ITK Karang Joang, Balikpapan 76127, Indonesia
Balikpapan City is a gateway to East Kalimantan as well as a destination for tourist visiting and business activity. The development of accommodation sectors triggered the growth of the lodging industry in Balikpapan City. However, currently, it is found that hotel development growth becomes imbalance due to overcapacity and only exist in several regions. This study aims to identify hotel distribution patterns and hotel location clustering analysis based on the occupancy rate conducted in two stages using the Average Nearest Neighbor (ANN) and hot-spot analysis method which available in GIS Software. In Overview, hotels in Balikpapan, both star hotel and non-star hotel, significantly clustered spatially around the centers of urban activities. This grouping is not linear with the occupancy rate distribution pattern. The occupancy rate pattern of star hotels shows a spatially clustered structure with z-score to 2.69 (most significant). Conversely, the occupancy rate of non-star hotels has a random pattern with a z-score is closest to 0 (not significant). However, in general, based on hotel occupancy rates, we can identify hot-spot points which shows the difference in density
Keywords: Hotel, Hot-spot, Occupation Rate, Spatial Pattern.
Topic: Urban and Regional Planning