BEST 2019 Conference

Design Analysis of Raw Materials Inventory on TC1118 Cloth Products with JIT Approach
Erry Rimawan (a); Untung Mardono (a,b); Ogie Kustiadi (a); Muwahid Adli Lutfi (a); Irma Saraswati (c)

(a) Departement of Industrial Engineering, University of Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Departement of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten, Indonesia
(c) Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten, Indonesia


Control of inventory of raw materials becomes an important part of the manufacturing process. By controlling good raw materials will reduce storage costs in warehouses, increase productivity and profits of the company. In this paper use quantitative methods that will result in the calculation of the most efficient order quantity to increase the productivity. Preparatory planning by just in time method is done by designing the demand for the next year using the forecasting method of linear trend, moving average and single exponential smoothing then extended by making the master schedule of production to be continued by designing the transmission system. From the estimate of the approximation method with the smallest error value is the 33.57% linear trend method, derives the shortest path and produces lead time using the nearest neighboring method equivalent to 8 hours. So the result obtained is based on its approach at the right time the storage cost is lower than Rp 1,445,708,937 to Rp 542,580,380 and increase the cost of the message from Rp 341,280 to Rp 4,266,000 and the company is able to save on cost of inventory 9.4%

Keywords: Inventory; Reorder Point; Just In Time

Topic: Industrial Engineering


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