L. Lisnawati; S. Sumiyati; Bambang Widjajanta;
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung City Happiness Index Data Indicates that citizens under the age of 24 have the lowest happiness index, age under 24 years is the age of college children. Therefore, to increase the happiness index, the city of Bandung government needs to coordinate with the universities in the city of Bandung. State Universities as educational service providers play a role as providing quality educational services and supporting the lives of students who spend most of their time on campus. Public universities are seen as having a place to provide not only the quality of education but also the stimulation of creativity, and "happiness" for students. Various efforts continue to be made by higher education management in an effort to increase student satisfaction. The research method is descriptive, verificative, through explanatory surveys, the study population is students of the Indonesian Education University and PTN in the city of Bandung, with a minimum sample of 400 respondents. The analysis technique of the data used is Partial Least Square by using SmartPLS Software. Research Results are expected to provide strategic input for managers of state universities in the city of Bandung in order to create development policies and administrators of campus management who can consider increasing the happiness of their students.
Keywords: University Service Satisfaction, Student Happiness, Student Satisfaction, Student Experience
Topic: Marketing Management