Productivity Analysis of Production Process Flour With Approach Green Productivity (Case Study at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Flour Mills, Jakarta)
Dr. Retno Astuti, STP., MT., Dr. Panji Deoranto, STP., MP., Bayu Septian Widada, ST
Brawijaya University
Wheat was raw materials of flour. Flour is made from milled wheat. There are several kind of flour, i.e low, medium and high protein. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Flour Mills. Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar Emas are two of products wihich have high demand. The company tend to increase the production to meet the demand without considering environmental aspects. This study aimed to determine the productivity level using green productivity method and to determine strategy alternatives to increase the green productivity. In premilinary research,the kind of waste were defined, i.e. energy, water, material, garbage and emission. The types of waste obtained from the production of flour Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar Emas were defined using Green Value Stream Mapping (GVSM) methods. Green Productivity Index (GPI) then determine the ratio between economics indicator and environmental impacts. The improvements were recommended based on the results of GPI. Improvement alternative were determines by brainstorming with the manager and section head in the mill E. The questionnaire were filled by two experts, manager and section head in mill E. Pairwise Comparison method than was used to prioritize the improvement alternatives. The results of the research showed that value of GPI on production Kunci Biru flour were relatively good with value 1,10, with economics indicator value were 1,21 and environmental indicator value were 1,10. The value of GPI on production of Cakra Kembar Emas relatively low with value 0,99, with economics indicator value were 1,35 and environmental indicator value were 1,36. The priority alternative to increase the value of green productivity was optimization of the production process with weight value 0.594.
Keywords: GPI, GVSM, Pairwise Comparison, Wheat Flour