AASEC 2019 Conference

Performance Evaluation of Cisauk Water Treatment Plant, Cisauk Sub-Districk, Tangerang
Mega Sari Ayu, Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, R Ratnaningsih*

Environmental Engineering Departement, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia


ratnaningsih@trisakti.ac.id Abstract. Cisauk Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is one of the water treatment plants operated by PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja, Tangerang District, which supply drinking water for Cisauk and Suradita Subdistricts with a capacity of 50 L/sec. This research was conducted to evaluate the performance of each units on Cisauk WTP and compare the quality of water produced with the drinking water standard of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010. Evaluation of WTP process is conducted by analyzing the quantity and quality of produced water, and then calculate of criteria design for each unit. The processing unit consists of intake, hydraulic coagulation, hydraulic flocculation, sedimentation I and II, filtration and ground reservoir. The coagulant used was NUSACHEM with dose of 35 mg/L and the disinfectant used was gas and liquid chlorine at dose of 3-5 mg/L. Based on the WTP evaluation, not all units fullfill the design criteria based on SNI 6774 of 2008. However, the quality of the water produced fulfill the drinking water quality requirements of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010.

Keywords: Water Treatment Plant, Performance Evaluation, Design Criteria, Drinking Water

Topic: Environmental Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/wyNUFvAhHX3x

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