ECEP 2019 Conference

Does pre-school education in Indonesia meet the quality standers?
Abdulkhaleq Al-rawafi

Thamar University, Yemen
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung


Assessment of Early childhood education is essential in the sense that it helps teachers to understand the childrens developmental progress in learning and it helps caregivers to determine how well they serve a better education. This study is designed to observe and assess the preschool education in Subang, Indonesia to determine whether the Indonesian children receive a quality educational environment. There are five kindergartens participated in this study. The instrument consists of sixteen criteria, namely emotional climate, social interactions, skills development, discipline strategies, instructional activities, general, language, literacy, mathematics, science, interactions with parents, cultural responsiveness, safety, materials, physical arrangement, and adaptation for children with disabilities. The researcher carries out the observation and the assessment by using the check list ‘Yes- if the dimension meet the determined criteria and ‘No- if the dimension does not meet the criteria.

Keywords: assessment, preschool education, quality standers, Indonesian education

Topic: Character Education for Early Year Children


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