AASEC 2019 Conference

The Characteristics of Mothers Giving Birth with Sectio Caesarean Delivery at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar General Hospital
Ni Made Safitri Wulandari1, Dewa Ayu Agung Alit Suka Astini2

Universitas Warmadewa


Abstract Caesarean section is a form of childbirth by surgical procedure. The rate of caesarean delivery in Indonesia is quite high, especially in private hospitals such as in Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar. This is influenced among others by age, education level, occupation, parity and indication of the caesarean section. This study aimed to assess the characteristics of mothers who had caesarean section delivery at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar. This study used descriptive cross-sectional design. The variables studied were age, education level, occupation, parity and indications of the caesarean section. The samples of the study were 100 mothers, selected by systematic random sampling from 1004 mothers in the population. The data used were secondary data obtained from medical records, then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the characteristics of mothers who had caesarean section deliveries at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar based on sociodemographic factors were mostly aged 20-35 years (83%), having college education level (45%) and worked as private employment (52%). Meanwhile based on medico-obstetric factors most had nullipara parity (54%) and medical indications (85%), most of which was previous history of sectio caesarea, as which was high as 42.19%.

Keywords: Keywords: sleep duration, concentration level, elementary school students.

Topic: Biology

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/xAHz9eqtQuaZ

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