Exploring the potential nutraceuticals of the Papuan “Sarang semut” (Myrmecodia pendans) as immunomodulatory agents
Erryana Martati
Faculty of Agricultural Technology Universitas Brawijaya Malang Indonesia
Myrmecodia pendans (MP) is an epiphytic plant which is popular in Papua Indonesia. Local people called it sarang semut (ant-nest) and use MP extract as traditional medicines by boiling it in the water and drink it to treat several diseases such as ascaris, cold, hemorrhoids, and cancer. Some studies showed that MP showed inhibiting the growth of ovarian cancer cell lines (SKOV-3), Hela dan MCM-B2 cells; antibacterial agents against Enterobacter faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. Dried Papuan MP had characteristic as follows: moisture content of 16.2%; total phenol of 35.7 mg GAE/g; antioxidant activity of 30.6% and tannins content of 31.3 mg TAE/g. Ethanolic extract of MP contained total phenol of 107.0 mg GAE/g, antioxidant activity of 70.2% and tannins of 54.3 mg TAE/g. Condensed tannins identified by LC-MS/MS in MP ethanolic extract were procyanidin A, procyanidin B and procyanidin C. Tannins were known as antibacterial agents. The content of bioactive compounds in MP extract including tannins has potential as nutraceutical sources for immunomudulatory agents. Studies of the role of MP extract in triggering immune system to prevent and/or treat animal experimental infected with E coli were necessary to be done.
Keywords: sarang semut; Myrmecodia pendans; immunomodulator; E coli; nutraceutical
Topic: Health, Medicine, and Public Health