GCBME 2019 Conference

BANK INCOME STRUCTURE IN INDONESIA : An Analysis Of Theory Of Structure-Conduct-Performance
Dadang Agus Suryanto

Student Of Doctoral Program in Management Sience School Of Postgraduates Of Unversitas Pendidikan Indonesia


The experience of the global economic crisis and the era of financial technology in the business of bank financial services has encouraged banks in Indonesia to optimize non-interest income. However, as an intermediary institution, banks in Indonesia still have to run their main business, namely channeling loans to those who need them. The present study seeks to empirically examine the phenomenon of bank income in the period 2013 – 2017 using the structure-conduct-performance theory. The results of the study found that the banks- interest income in Indonesia can be explained by the variable of loan market share, bank efficiency supported by economic growth in a positive direction. Likewise, the banks- non-interest income in Indonesia can be explained by ownership of ATMs, bank efficiency supported by economic growth in a positive direction. The linearity of the influence of the independent variables included in the structural and behavioral aspects of the performance aspects shows that the explanation of changes in interest income and non-interest income can be explained by the structure-conduct-performance theory.

Keywords: Structure of Bank Income, Interest Income, Non-Interest Income, Structure-Conduct-Performance

Topic: Financial Management and Accounting

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/xpfFkdMuXZh6

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