AASEC 2019 Conference

Y. Sugiarti1 D. N. Azizah1, dan D. L. Rahayu

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri,
Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


One of Indonesian tropical plant collection diversity is eggfruit (Poeteriacampechiana) that known as sawo mentega in Indonesia. Eggfruit has high nutritional value and good function for health but their consumption still low and the fruit is unfamiliar for the most of Indonesian citizen. This research to develop food diversity by toast bread making to increase the utilization of eggfruit and promote the fruit to boarder citizen. This research aims to produce eggfruit toast bread products as a food diversification and find out the panelists acceptance of the eggfruit toast bread produced. Eggfruit toast bread compotition formulation will be the first step in this research. The best eggfruit toast bread formulation will be resulted based on the best phisical test, chemical test, and organoleptical test. The toast bread produced in this research is based on a formulation from the modified Bogasari Baking Center (2004). Eggfruit toast bread can be made from eggfruit puree and flour with different formulations. Formulation of wheat flour and eggfruit puree that can be made at 90 : 10; 80 : 20; 70 : 30; and 60 : 40, while for wheat flour and eggfruit flour formulations of 95 : 5; 90 : 10; 85 : 15; and 80 : 20. In general, panelists acceptance of eggfruit toast bread produced has the criteria of dislike-like for overall appearance, crust color, crumb color, uniformity of pores, tenderness, weakness, and aroma, while for taste is ordinary-like. The eggfruit toast bread produced has the characteristics of yellow, uniform pores, soft texture, aroma of bread, and a little of eggfruit taste.

Keywords: food diversification, puree, toast bread, eggfruit, flour

Topic: Industry Engineering

Link: https://ifory.id/abstract-plain/xqnCyBeZgEvM

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